Book artists

Your full-service booking agency for artists!

Book DJ, band or artist

At Nextar, your artist booking agency, everything revolves around your event. We have an extensive artist portfolio with names like Metejoor, Natalia, Kate Ryan, Cookies And Cream, Leez (Lisa Van Rossem) and Cherine

But even if you are looking for other artists, we are at your service. Thanks to our valuable connections in the music world, we will find the perfect match for your event. Let us discuss your ideas together and book your favourite artist for an unforgettable experience.

Our artistsBook an artist

Technical support

We not only handle the booking and planning of your event, but also offer full technical support. From providing the necessary materials to employing professional technicians; Nextar ensures that every performance runs smoothly. There is no need for you to worry; we take care of everything for you, including the technical aspect, so you can fully concentrate on enjoying your event.

As a partner, we work with music managers, producers, record companies and artists. We aim to be the permanent partner of individuals, public boards, festival organisers and companies.

Make your event a (musical) highlight

Contact Nextar for more info around:

  • DJ booking, International or Flemish artists booking
  • DJ hire price or booking artists prices
  • Check artist availability
  • Programme festival, party, corporate or private party
  • Sound and light hire, DJ set hire, DJ equipment hire
  • Hire technicians for performances artists, DJs, bands
  • ...


Organising concert tours of Belgian artists at home and abroad.


Optimising and organising the business side of a career in the music industry.


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